What Do I need to Register My Child?Child's Birth CertificateChild's Immunization RecordChild's Social Security CardThree (3) proofs of City of Passaic residency such as: Telephone, Cable or Utility bill, Driver's License, Deed, Rent Receipt/Lease AgreementProof of all Household income (1040 Income Tax Form, TANF grant letter, SSI, Unemployment Letter, Etc.)
Enrollment ApplicationParent HandbookWhen Can I Register My Child?Passaic Family Head Start only serves 3 & 4 year old children.We take applications all year long. Even if we are full we will accept your application and put your child on the waiting list.Your child must be three by Octover 31. If not, they must wait until the following year. Children who are 4 before or after October 31, can enter the program at any time there is an available slot.