Federally-funded head start programs help prepare young children from low-income families, ages birth to five
years old, and their parents for the social and educational challenges that young children face as they
develop. Each head start program focuses on providing comprehensive services designed to enhance a child's
emotional, social, cultural, language, reading, mathematics, science, health and nutrition education.
This head start center locator page contains links to listings of programs offered in the 40 counties in the state of Idaho. Each listings page contains the name, address and contact
information for a specific county's available centers. From that page, use additional links to explore
individual center facts, application instructions and directions.
Our head start center locator features the number of head start centers per county in parentheses ( ) to the
right of the county names. To see a current list of your county's head start centers, click your county's
Head Start - is a national preschool program designed to meet the needs of children ages 3-5 years of age. Head Start serves 3-5 year olds in a center-based program option.
CSI Head Start/Early Head Start• Federally funded preschool and family support program for low income families.• Works in partnership with local communities.• Promotes a sense of learning and self-reliance for both parents and child.• Services includes education, medical, dental, mental health, nutrition & transportation.• Community and parent partnerships.• Inclusive preschool setting for children with disabilities.• Services integrated into each community.• Receives 20% or more of funding from local community.
EICAP Head Start is a 4 day a week, half a day preschool program for families with children ages 3-5.
FCF provides a high-quality early childhood experience to prepare children for kindergarten and life-long learning. In addition, FCF provides holistic family support services to ensure that families are self-sufficient. If your child is three or four years of age, your family may qualify for the Head Start program.
Head Start is a federal grant program directed by the Administration for Children, Youth, and Families (Department of Health and Human Services). Initiated as a summer pilot project in 1965, it now serves 3 and 4 year-old children through a nationwide preschool network.
What is Migrant & Seasonal Head Start?
It is an Early Childhood Education Program for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker children and their families dedicated to promoting the success of their children in school and later in life. We offer a comprehensive service program for children and families that include: Early Childhood Education, Nutrition, and Health Wellness.
Parents are the first and most important influence on a child's development. It is our goal is to provide quality, comprehensive early childhood education and child care programs in a "one-stop" model, birth to five (5) years of age.
North Idaho College Head Start is a school readiness program that provides education and support for young children and their families.
The school district established a summer kindergarten in 1965 with 45 eligible children and four teachers. From 1967 to 1973 it operated a 9 month, five year old program. With the advent of kindergartens in Idaho in 1973, the program shifted to serving four year olds.
Head Start is for families with children 3 - 5 years of age. Children receive the opportunity to learn, experience success and gain self-confidence. Children are provided with activities which help them grow mentally, socially, emotionally and physically and prepare them for public school.